The sexual compatibility between the Pisces woman and Virgo man can be called heavenly. The Pisces woman is sensitive to all the desires of her lover and the Virgo man is very caring in bed. The Pisces woman has intense sexual fantasies that will sweep away the Virgo man from his feet. He will just be willing to let go of all his self control and retreat to the world of ecstasy. Contrary to his outer demeanor, the Virgo man is deeply sensuous from within and also has the capacity to make his woman feel the most wanted person on earth. The major difference in their romance is that the Pisces woman has an amorous nature while the Virgo hates acts of public affection and even effusions.
However, as time passes by, the Pisces woman just cannot get along with the critical nature of the Virgo man. The insensitivity and lack of emotions of the Virgo man can hurt the over-sensitive Pisces woman. The Virgo man is too much grounded to have any exquisite fantasies, and on the contrary, the Pisces woman is very romantic and poetic. The Virgo man will try hard to bring his Pisces woman to see the reality. He will often be confused and try to find out what makes the Pisces woman so vulnerable. Seldom will he realize that his insensitivity is the cause of hurt and despair in his Pisces partner. The Pisces woman will constantly be in need of emotional assurance which the Virgo man will completely fail to provide. There is also a possibility that the Pisces woman may feel insecure and unstable with a Virgo husband.
Virgos live on rules and regulations, and they hate instability and insecurity. While, on the contrary, Pisces are comfortable in their dreamland which they do not want to leave. To the irritation of the Virgo, Pisces has a chaotic lifestyle which clashes with the perfectionism of the Virgo. The Pisces woman cannot handle finances and can sometimes be extravagant, which is a crime in the eyes of the Virgo man. On the other hand, the Virgo man may not be aware that the Pisces woman, and can be harsh when her temper rises and can also be equally critical.
The simplest advice to the Virgo man is that if he keeps his criticism aside, he will be able to see the brighter side of the Pisces woman s nature and her unconditional devotion to him. Similarly, if the Pisces woman keeps her over sentimentality and womanly wiles away from her Virgo partner, she will just be lucky to have an intelligent, honest and loyal partner. Hence, as we see both the negative as well as the positive aspects of Pisces woman Virgo man compatibility, a conclusion can be drawn that this can be a hit or miss relationship!
As there are a lot of differences, a Pisces woman Virgo man compatibility can be possible only if the two try hard to understand each other. If they overcome all their differences, their love story can be the next bestseller!