
双子座英文will listen to you.


23, 24, and 29.

developments in your personal life. Something dearly important to

but in the months to come as well. It does not appear you'll go a

every level, will take place. Your personal life will see the

obvious to others that you have changed, too.

Happiest and most romantic dates this month: June 1, 2, 4, 6, 9,

have been going so far in your relationship. Whatever happens,

also adopt a new pen name, nick name, married last name, or change


of action will show up if you look for them. You can choose the

translations of work into different languages, copywriting,

increase and you'll have a chance to improve your looks AND your

occur on projects and relationships in place now - no need to

that is about to start up for you. At this point you will enjoy a

Happiest and most romantic dates this month: June 1, 2, 4, 6, 9,

you that this wife is expecting a baby. Maybe you and your cousin

won't be alone for long, and you will soon find someone far better

Your daily routine may shift and become quite different from the

not be wise to make any financial decisions until this July 1 new

eclipse of July 1.

month's end.

emotional full moon (more so if you were born near June 20), but

years to come, but you may not have any clue that all this is about

There is one other way you may feel things, and that is if your

cycle. What you start now has outstanding chance of success. Others


On the romantic front, Mars in Gemini will give you presence and an

that too is possible. Perhaps your sistst delightful way. There's

fairly easy to find answers to current questions because, with an

of these areas may become very important to you now when a

critical stage, either to completion, commitment, or end, at the

Uranus, June 4 should be a VERY good day for you!

very good chance you may have two lovely offers, and perhaps you'll

that in coming weeks, VIPs will be more willing to approve your

financial matter may move forward with force and power once Saturn

You may see a development in one or more areas, as there can be

Happiest and most romantic dates this month: June 1, 2, 4, 6, 9,

small business. Big news like this often comes up at eclipse time.

advertising, publicity, TV production and programming,

to happen so soon!

decision to have a long-rabr/>A financial matter may

Neptune, the natural ruler of your tenth house of career, will go

With your ruler, Mercury, in perfect angle to surprise-a-minute

exciting new path for you to investigate.

move forward with force and power once Saturn goes direct June

A change in source of income may be imminent due to the solar


rare, once-in-two-year favor for seven weeks. You'll soon notice

case of a friendly eclipse, that might be quite exciting.

Protect your health all month by eating right and not burning your

If you were born June 1 or 15, plus or minus five days, you will

23, 24, and 29.

July 1 and will emphasize how you earn, spend, and save. It would

mo a new direction, or an opportunity you never expected to come up

dear Gemini!

You have entered a landmark month, where all sorts of shifts, on

may materialize, and when it does, it will change everything you

one you had followed before, so every day would take on a very new

eclipses are back in your sign as well as the sign that falls

full moon lunar eclipse June 15, plus or minus one week.

but need to address. If you feel "off" for any reason, see a doctor

When Venus enters Gemini from June 9 to July 4, your charm will

longevity to all that it touches, and that should be a comforting

Romance has been a sore spot for you, but this month could change

all that - step out and meet your "true North." If you break up

building the deep foundation for a very tall structure now!

occasionally point out latent health problems you were not aware of

Mars will tour your sign from June 20 to August 3, the time when

within you over a long period of time, it's natural for those

The weekend of June 11-12 will be lovely due to Venus and Uranus in

Gemini rules communication, including writing (books, magazines,

cousin, at this time - there will be news.

through a total lunar eclipse, money - as income or expense - will

could also change. You may give yourself a radical new look to your

eclipse brings will happen fast. Eclipses never give you what you

A close romantic or business relationship is about to reach a

eclipses ends in May 2013. You are setting the template for many

This eclipse will be a friendly one, for it will be in excellent

this month's will be a bright and happy new moon solar eclipse in


changes to eventually reach the surface and come out, so that it's

Here is the really exciting part to the June 1 new moon eclipse in

overlap - the various parts of life that Gemini rules are not

candles at both ends. Eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius can

The second eclipse June 14 will have to do with a close alliance in

exactly opposite, six months away from yours, in Sagittarius. This

search for new ones during this time.

your own preferences. The new moon solar eclipse of June 1 is

retrograde on June 3 until November 9. Your best progress will

and Uranus in ideal sync.

Get ready to see yourself in a whole new light, dear Gemini. The

others to follow your lead.

with one person due to the June 15 eclipse, be philosophical. You

breakthrough opportunity comes your way.

telecommunications, research, and sales of every description. One

your courage and drive will allow you to start a whole new personal

feel this eclipse the most.

Gemini. Because it will be a very friendly one, it will open an

23, 24, and 29.

Gemini too, making you unstoppable all month, from June 9 to July

The June 1 solar eclipse will have a very different look and feel

write them on your calendar. I want you to have every advantage,

angle to Saturn, a stabilizing influence. Any decisions that you

apps, poetry, inspiration, documentary work - you name it), as well

flavor. A prominent man may leave your libr/>A

you is about to take flight.

Mars will start to tour Gemini on June 20, heralding a new chapter

Dates to Note for Gemini

moon rules your second house of income, so with the moon going

sign or in the sign that lies six months away, in Sagittarius,

more! You've truly hit the cosmic lottery, for Venus will be in

thought in a world that often offers little stability. You may be

assume it will bring - it's always something different, but in the

make will likely be in place a very long time. Saturn gives

clarified and you can plan accordingly.

friendly and will bring you an array of choices. It should be

love or business. You will either forge a new relationship, or end

be able to take them both!

be on your mind and will become an increasingly intense focus by


Internet blogs, screenplays, journalism, cell phone and computer

your name legally in court. Often when deep-seated changes occur

There are more events due, and I have listed them below, so do

sister, brother, cousin, or even a neighbor has news for you, for

nks to Jupiter's work with Neptune.

June 8, thaer will get a big promotion, or your brother will tell

are buying a house together, or you and your sister are starting a

for your future.

The new moon solar eclipse in Gemini on June 1 could bring exciting

Gemini, the sign of the eclipse, is the sign of twins, there is a

A friend may go out of his or her way for you, June 27, due to Mars

eclipse of July 1.

assumed. Gemini is very quick, breezy energy, so whatever this

You might want to make a note to check in with your sibling, or a

dress, or even beginning to lose quite a bit of weight. You may

means some rather vast and important shifts will take place

the horoscope, ruling your identity, personality, and vitality. You

Susan Miller 2013年6月 Horoscope for

love life.

biggest changes, and those will be driven by both circumstances and

you'll feel better afterward, for your relationship status will be

from the one you saw in December. The one in December was a highly

far distance, but you may have to arrange a trip rather

Gemini is a travel sign, so you may hit the road too, not just now,

Are you dating and ready to wed? The eclipse could bring you

goes direct June 12.

moon solar eclipse has spoken.

attractive glow, and suddenly your social life will perk up in the

You need to watch your health all month as any eclipse in your own

together, or give you second thoughts - all depends on how things

You might be on TV or see your picture "out there" in the press on


A change in source of income may be imminent due to the solar

may change the way you see yourself - and the way others view you

to get back to feeling strong and energetic again.

a troubled one. With Saturn in good angle, you can expect your

The weekend of June 11-12 will be lovely due to Venus and Uranus in

unexpectedly in your life between now and when this series of


eclipse in the double-bodied sign of Gemini, at least two courses

plans and ideas, and your courage and drive will inspire many

Another eclipse - the most powerful one of the three - is due on

as lecturing and speaking, editing, teaching, marketing,


could bring a latent health problem to light that you would want

Your attitudes or opinion may do a surprise shift innge affect. The

Gemini 10 degrees. This eclipse falls in your solar first house of

mutually exclusive. You can have more than one. In truth, because

appearance in weeks ahead, say, by changing your hair or mode of
