Pisces Woman Scorpio Man Compatibility
Pisces woman Scorpio man compatibility is based on the principle of opposites attract each other . To know more about whether the Pisces woman is compatible with the Scorpio man in a love match, read on.
The relationship between a Pisces woman and a Scorpio man is nothing short of a puzzle. On one side of the relationship, there is a Scorpio man, who is infamous for his sting and on the other side, there is a Pisces woman who is emotionally as delicate as a fish. What is the name of the antidote available to the Pisces woman that protects her from the Scorpio sting? "What makes a Pisces woman and Scorpio man tick?", is a million dollar question.
How Compatible are Pisces Woman and Scorpio Man? The zodiac sign for Pisces is fish , which finds security, peace, purpose and food in the depths of oceans. The fish is familiar with the tremendous pressures associated in the depth of oceans, how to navigate through its darkness. All these fish qualities are reflected in the men and women, born under the sign of Pisces. A Pisces woman lies submerged, deep inside their own minds, searching for food for thoughts, in the form of answers to spiritual questions. Lost deep in thoughts, they appear absent-minded.
Whales, using their special sensory organs, can form the images of the things lurking beyond the range of ordinary senses. In the similar fashion a Pisces woman, can use her imagination to decipher the forms of things. Once in a while, the Pisces woman, like the whales breaching treacherous surface of water in need of fresh air to breathe and sustain themselves, come in the contact with the materialistic world and find themselves vulnerable and unable to make firm decisions about the things they want to pursue.
In this void of the Piscean indecision about whether to turn left or right, or to choose material or spiritual world, steps in the Scorpio man, known for his sureness of motive and direction, always clinging to reality and the present. The Scorpio man uses his reasoning and analytical powers, which are well-supported by tremendous concentration, willpower and intuition, to see through the situation, and guide his mate, the Pisces woman, to her destiny. We can say that the Pisces woman Scorpio man compatibility, is also based on direction and guidance.
The persons born under the sun sign of Scorpio are emotional, intense and have hypnotic personality. Their aggression is controlled and concentration is focused on the present and attaining wealth. The Piscean woman, with her open-minded attitude about her ambitions and private life, can soothe the vulnerable nature of the Scorpio man and help him come out of his shell. A Scorpio man is not an open personality, and does not have many confidants. Her ability to listen to others will serve so well, in her relationship with the Scorpio man, that she will be privy to his innermost secrets and dreams. A Piscean woman will have total confidence and trust of her Scorpio male partner, which he rarely bestows on others. So, the Pisces woman Scorpio man compatibility, is also based on trust and openness.
Pisces Woman Characteristics. It seems that the Pisces woman s lacks self-confidence to tackle matters on her own. However, it is due to her indecision regarding whether to value the spiritual world or the material world. Whether they are at the top or the bottom of the pecking order, depends on the resolution of these issues. Proper guidance at the right time can turn them into achievers, else they become dreamers. The following is a list of Pisces woman characteristics. A Pisces woman does not easily lose her calm and using gentle manners, can even calm down opponents easily. The Pisces woman is generous. She will do everything to help a friend in trouble. A Pisces woman is philosophical and is the sort of person who believes in forgive and forget . However, sometimes, she can resort to deception to achieve her ends. The Pisces woman succeeds in making right connections which they cash, whenever the need arises. The Pisces woman is a romantic person and is always on the lookout for a Mr. Perfect. However, out of shyness, the Pisces woman will wait till her lover takes the initiative. Once the Pisces woman forms a relationship, she will be loyal. However, she will use her superior intellect to control the relationship. The Piscean woman loves food, drinks, and traveling to foreign lands.
How much you believe in astrology and horoscopes, and how much importance you give to the zodiac signs and dates is up to you. However, it is said that a Scorpio man and a Pisces woman are right for each other. They are born to love and satisfy each other. A Scorpio man in love will be loyal, intense and possessive. However, jealous and suspicious nature of the Scorpio man and his demand for complete loyalty and only the truth and nothing else from his partner, can be a thorn in the relationship. The dreamy nature of the Pisces woman can invite venomous barbs from the Scorpio man.