◎ 对口 duìkǒu (1) [(of two performers)speak or sing alternately]∶相声、山歌等文艺形式的一种表演形式。两个人交替着说和唱 对口相声 (2) [be geared to the needs of the job]∶互相联系的两方在工作内容和性质上相一致 专业对口 (3) [a boil on the nape]∶中医指生在脑后,部位与口相对的疮,俗称对口疮 (4) [suit one's taste]∶适口合味 他吃这个菜不对口
1.(两人交替说或唱) (of two performers) speak or sing alternately 2.(相一致) be geared to the needs of the job; fit in with one's vocational training or speciality 3.{医} (脓肿处作第二开口, 以利排脓) contra-aperture