1.(引申为乘人不备, 给人以沉重打击) hit sb. with sth. like a black jack so that the sound produced is but a thud (unlike the crack of a whip or the sharp smack produced by a bat) -- take advantage of sb.'s unawareness to strike a heavy blow at him
◎ 打闷棍 dǎ mèngùn [rob a victim after beating him unconscious with a club;give a staggering blow] 乘人不备,用棍打昏,掠夺财物。比喻攻击别人且使人无法申辩 (1).用棍棒从暗处猛击行人夺取财物。《红楼梦》第六九回:“ 张华 因有几两银子在身上,逃去第三日,在 京口 地界,五更天,已被截路打闷棍的打死了。”《三侠五义》第七四回:“爷爷救命呵!后面有个打闷棍的,抢了小人的包袱去了。” 清 陶澍 《条陈缉捕皖豫等省红胡匪徒折子》:“据险扼隘,突起抢夺,谓之打闷棍。” (2).比喻乘人不备,给人以沉重打击。