1.write the names of the sender and the recipient on a painting, gift or letter; inscribe; name of the recipient written on a gift; (of an artist) sign a painting or piece of calligraphy and dedicate it to a recipient; signature of the artist on a painting or piece of calligraphy, or of the sender on a gift
◎ 落款 luòkuǎn [inscribe a gift;write down the names of the sender and the recipient on gift etc.] 题献、題赠,在书画、礼品等上面题上赠送人和收受人的姓名年月或诗句跋语 (1).在书画、书信、礼品等上面题写姓名、称呼、年月等字样。 清 邹一桂 《小山画谱·落款》:“画有一定落款处。” 清 顾贞观 《归国遥》词:“几叠纔开罗扇,莫教题字满。空却回文一半,有人亲落款。” (2).指落款的文字。《花月痕》第二回:“这首诗高华清爽,必是起先出门那位少年题的!再看落款是 富川 荷生 。” 冰心 《三寄小读者·写信代序》:“底下的落款是一九八○年十月《儿童文学》敬祝。”